Mark and I spent the day in Lucerne, Switzerland which is less than 1 1/2 hours from here. It was another sunny day and very picturesque. The kids all stayed home as they had homework and there was a big carnival at our dorm with all the girls dorms. We left after Connie and Al left this morning.

The city is beside a large lake and the old part is all a pedestrian walkway. There is still part of the walled city left where we climbed to the top and walked along the wall.

We stopped for lunch at NY Food Company...or something like that. They had the best pizza I've had since arriving in Europe. Mark had one of their subs and it even tasted like home. There are almost no places here for fast food that make subs. No Mr. Sub or Subway! They even had ice for the pop!! But of course, no refills. Actually the only place we've ever seen free refills is at IKEA.

We spent all day walking and exploring the different areas in the city. The pedestrian bridge is made of wood and 12 years ago it almost burnt down. There were many pictures in the roof that were hand painted from hundreds of years ago. They lost many of them in the fire, but there were still some left.

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