Monday, Oct 31st
After school today all the dorm kids and staff went to Herbstmesse which is a fun carnival type event that takes place in Basel each year. There are many plaza areas within blocks of each other and each of these places gets filled with rides of all shapes and sizes. BFA had 2 buses that transported all the grade 11's and 12's. The rest of the kids went in dorm vans. We took Caleb and Connor in our own van. Once there, all the kids are "set free" to roam and ride in groups of 3 or more. Everyone meets up at the bumper cars by the end of the evening.
We took the kids to McDonalds for supper. Some things are still hard to get used ketchup unless you ask for it and pay for it, no refills on pop and each McD carries different food items. We sat outside to enjoy our supper.

There is a HUGE ferris wheel...the biggest I've ever seen. It had the most incredible view from the top. It was more of a gondolla type carrier that sat 6 people.

The highlight (as it is each year) is the bumper cars. The kids had so much fun on these crazy cars. Connor met up with a couple of his friends from his class and they did lots of crashing. Caleb had lots of fun here too

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