Spring Break part 3
April 6th...On our way to visit the chocolate factory we packed along our breakfast and found this great little spot along the lake for our picnic.
We then headed back to Lugano and took the funicular train to the top of Mt. Bre. Mark had a great idea that we should take the train up and walk down the 7 km to another town then take the boat back to Lugano....REAL great idea! :) The 7 km ended up being straight down the mountain and after making it to the bottom of the mountain our legs were pretty shaky. By the next morning we could hardly walk due to VERY painful calves (other than Jake)! It only got worse the next day! Getting in and out of the van proved to be the most difficult and I'm sure we were quite the site as we tried to exit the vehicle and then walk.
Labels: Spring Break part 3 - Choc factory then Mt Bre and Gandria
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