Tiera and another student led the congregational chirstmas carols during the highschool concert. She's dressed up for her part in the small group ensamble.

Caleb was part of a handbell song. It was so well done. He really enjoyed it. He was also part of the junior choir.

Tiera's highschool choir.

Before the highschool concert, the small group ensemble sang christmas carols outside the entrance to the school.

Connor getting ready for his part in the elementary choir. They did a super job.

Connor singing in the elementary concert. He's third from the left in the back row.

Cyndy & Tiera enjoying their pizzas after the dorm cleaning.

Tiera...emptying out the games cupboard for a thorough clean.

The kitchen is the hardest area to clean. There were several groups working at it and at times you could hardly turn around in there because of all the people and work that was getting done.

Checking the garbage can to make sure it was clean. :)
Dorm cleaning is a HUGE day for all of us. We all gather together for about 3 1/2 hours and do a major overhaul of the dorm. We pull things apart and move every piece of furniture and item to clean in, around, over and under. Something that the guys do NOT look forward to. They get out of school about an hour early and then we get to work. Each RA is in charge of a group and an area that's been preplanned. Mark and I are running all over the place doing checks, getting supplies, and answering a million questions. We had to check each item to make sure it was done correctly and then Res Life came in to see that all was completed well. We treated the guys to doner kebaps for supper that night. Tiera and I prefer the pizza so we ordered that instead. We were exhausted when all was said and done.
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