We had a great time with Darrell and Priscilla. We sure appreciated all the hard work they did. It was so hard to see them go. They got so much done for us and we sure appreciated their being here. It was harder for Tiera and Jake too with them having friends here and now leaving. But they've been keeping SO busy with going to new friends places.

There have been sports activities going on for those that are around during the summer. Monday nights is basketball and volleyball. Friday nights is soccer.

Tiera was at a "tea" Sunday afternoon. There were about 15 girls there and it was actually a real “tea” with bisquits and everything. We had a bunch or RA's come hang out at our place for the afternoon and then they invited Jake to go out for supper with them. He's having a great time. Absolutely no problem fitting in for both Tiera and Jacob.
Caleb& Connor have a friend here that comes over quite often. He lives in the same building that we do - not part of the dorm, but one of the other apartments. They all like to watch movies and play on the computer.
We were at Gary and Bearnice's place for supper on saturday and then they took us to the elementary school to give us a tour. She is the librarian there. They are good friends of Connie and Al's where they met the first year in Prague. During their 2nd year in Prague, Gary and Bearnice moved here. They've also got 2 other boys that are the same ages as Tiera and Jacob. But anyways, we were looking around the elementary school and he apparently has a great teacher (guy) that does many neat, exciting outings with them. THeir room looks out to a castle on the hill, pasture land, animals, and forest. So pretty. SPorts isn't a big thing for the younger grades so he's disappointed about that. We're thinking of putting him into a German Soccer league. They only speak German, but he's willing to give it a try. Will have to find out more information about it.
We just found 2 days ago that we've got another RA couple who will be joining our staff. So we'll have 2 married RA couples, a guy RA and a girl RA. There will be 8 of us on staff. We'll have 44 people in our dorm!! Good thing we've go so much help. We're really excited about that. The 2 single RA's moved in on Saturday. Have had fun with them already. Feels like a family. :) Liz (Liz & Andrew) arrived today and her husband will come on Saturday since he is getting his interview for his US citizenship and had to stay. The other RA couple will arrive when they can get flights out here.

Byron...one of our RA's

Sunday morning church service
Students will be here by next Sunday & Monday.
This is going to be a very busy week as we've got all staff conference in the mornings

New Staff Conference
It's been very different experience trying to cook in a kitchen where I don't know where anything is, I can't read the labels to understand what is in the boxes, spices have very strange names, there are not the same products as in Canada, different measuring system (grams and ml), different cooking system (celcius), etc. What would normally take me a few minutes to whip together in Canada, takes me at least 1/2 hour to try get together. In a few weeks I should have things down to a fairly good understanding. We are having to cook meals now with the RA's in our dorm. So I can't rely on cereal if all else fails. Well, maybe I would in an emergency! :)
Sunday evening we had a bunch of RA's showed up at the dorm to hang out and have some fun. They later went out for supper and invited Jacob along with them. Tiera was still at the "tea". Here is some of that...