We had a great weekend “off”. I put this in “ ” because we really didn’t go away far nor did we actually escape the dorm completely. The one problem with staying in the dorm for your weekend off is that you can’t fully leave everything behind. We did have a great weekend though.
Friday night was the big Highschool Fall Party. Everyone comes dressed up and they have a competition for the "best costume", there's various entertainment and games. Tiera and Jake dressed up as Cinderalla and the Prince. They went with the fairy godmother and the wicked step sisters.

Caleb stayed home with the Middleschoolers where they had there own evening planned together with one of the girls dorms middleschoolers. They played games and watched a movie.
I ran around taking pictures. :)
Mark & Connor spent Friday night up at a castle. The grade 5 class boys together with some dads, hiked up the mountain and set up tents in the castle ruins. It happened to be the coldest night we’ve had so far. It rained, was windy and they froze! Needless to say they didn’t get much sleep that night. They got home the next morning and Mark promptly fell asleep. After lunch we headed off to France. Jacob stayed behind for that volleyball team building day.

We arrived in a quaint little town called Riquewihr which was a walled city. We explored the many streets made of cobblestone and the unique little shops. We even found a museum that included a torture museum, various pictures and artifacts from WW2 – we saw pictures that had Hitler walking down the streets together with his army. They even named a street after him, which was later changed. And there were items used in winemaking dating way back when. Quite a conglomeration of pieces of history. The scenery was so beautiful as we drove through so many vineyards. The hills were covered in vineyards from every direction.

On the central street in Riquewihr.

This was in one of the old wine cellars.