Well...summer has just slipped away. We're down to our last days before the new school year begins.

We had a wonderful time in Canada. We spent the first 2 weeks in Waldheim where Tiera was able to join her "grad class" from Waldheim school. After spending K-11 in the school, the school allowed her to participate in all the grad ceremonies. Pretty special!

Jake was her escort for the day.

We spent these 2 weeks visiting friends and family and running constantly to the city for doctor, dentist, optometrist appointments, etc. We were very busy! Caleb is now sporting spiffy new glasses.
We were so blessed to have the use of Tim and Lorraines new home during our stay in Waldheim. This was such a huge blessing for us as we had the complete run of the place and could come and go as we pleased. Tim & Lorraine hadn't even slept in their new home...we were the first to invade their place and we sure enjoyed our stay there :)
Our kids loved living in town and of course all the freedoms that came with it. We hardly saw them during these weeks as they were out visiting their friends. They even went to school and sat through classes just to be with their friends.
The last week of June was spent at our favorite family camp....Camp Oshkidee! Ken and Annette & Karissa joined us there as well and it was lots of fun just being together in the great outdoors. Jacob's friend Daniel also joined us for the week which was a good thing as there were very few guys there his age there.

Caleb and Connor learning to ski!

Tiera got really good at windsurfing!

And Jake....he just had fun sailing, tubing and socializing!