Mark and I spent our first weekend away together alone this year. We had a great time in Malta. It's a small island under Italy near Tunisia. It's the island where Paul (in the bible) was shipwrecked on his way to Rome as a prisoner and the Lord saved the whole ship. Anyways, it was unlike anything we've seen so far but very interesting and we really enjoyed our time there.
On our drive to the hotel which was on the other side of the island. This was supposed to be a 45 minute drive which ended up more like 3 hours! Driving on the left hand side of the road was challenge enough let alone trying to navigate extremely bumpy roads with NO signs or road names. Many places had "detours" which took us off to never never land.
We spent our first day on the island of Gozo which is a 25 min ferry ride over to it. It's all part of Malta.
The Red Tower which was right near our hotel.
We happened to be in Malta during one of their celebrations of being added into the EU and so there were 3 nights of fireworks competition. We were there for the first night and took a dinner ferry out to the harbour where we watched the fireworks display. Each night there were 2 different groups competing. One at 10 pm and the other at midnight. These were extended much longer into the evening and by the time we got back to the hotel it was almost 2am! We met these 2 couples from the hotel and spent the evening together having a great time.
Labels: weekend in malta