Sunday was the last day of our weekend off and we decided to go up to Haochblauen for a picnic. It was rather cool and windy at the top and so we turned our seats around in the van and enjoyed a picnic inside. It was actually alot of fun.

Jumpin Jake

These pics actually turned out pretty good setting up the timer on the camera and balancing the camera on a rock.

Mark jumpin.
Kandern in the distance.

On our way back down the mountain we decided to hike up to an old castle.

The boys had so much fun chasing each other through the forest, climbing mountains and trees, breaking trees (oops), just being silly & having fun.

The Sausenburg Castle...
This is where Connor and his class camped out last year with their dads. We decided to hike up here on our way back. It was such a gorgeous walk through the leaves. We got there a little bit before the sun started to set. The sunset was so pink and it made it feel like we were in this glowing dome.

View from the top of the castle looking over to Haochblauen where we had just picniced.

The tower was very can see Connor standing at the top. We later discovered that he had actually climbed over the railing to sit with his feet dangling over the edge until Tiera walked up there and told him to get back "NOW". He got in big trouble needless to say after our heart stopped pounding!